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Welcome to WSWRA
We are an association of agricultural water providers delivering water to farms and for other beneficial uses, enabling billions of dollars of food production annually.
Water is the lifeblood of food production in Washington.
We strive to ensure that water continues to flow to our customers by informing policy makers and the public on the critical role irrigation plays in maintaining food security for our nation and the world.
Meet The Team
- David Felman,
- National Director
- John O’Callaghan,
- President
- Nathan Draper,
- Vice President
- Scott Revell,
- At Large
- Mike LaPlant,
- Past President
- Maury Balcom,
- At Large
- Aaron Dunham
- (Division 1)
- John O’Callaghan
- (Division 2)
- Scott Revell
- (Division 3)
- Waylon Marshall
- (Division 4)
- Craig Simpson
- (Division 5)
- Justin Harter
- (Division 6)
- Mike LaPlant
- (Division 6)
- David Felman
- (Division 6)
- Shane Leonard
- (At Large)
- Travis Okelberry
- (At Large)
- Nathan Draper
- (At Large)
- Roger Sonnichsen
- (At Large)
- Duaine Anderson
- (At Large)
- John Rylaarsdam
- (At Large)
- Maury Balcom
- (At Large)
How We Are Organized
WSWRA was created by statute in 1947.
It operates with a Constitution, Bylaws, and Statement of Objectives
The Benefits Of Membership
It is challenging to keep track of what’s happening in Olympia and Washington DC. WSWRA tracks the key issues that affect irrigation districts operations for you. We offer comprehensive advocacy support for all members on the issues that matter most. We serve as your voice in Olympia. Our members have a single point of contact through WSWRA to learn the latest.
WSWRA serves as a key resource for legislators, legislative staff, and agencies at the state and federal level. We inform them on public policy matters and issues of concern to our members, and also help connect WSWRA members to the right agency contacts.
WSWRA participates in and hosts workshops, seminars, and conferences that connect speakers and industry experts to members to help them learn, grow and exchange ideas with peers on topics of industry importance.
News & Information
WSWRA provides timely updates to members on news items, public policy, and legal issues throughout the year.
National Voice
Additionally, membership in WSWRA grants you membership in the National Water Resources Association (NWRA). Providing access to national conferences and key updates on national and regional issues.
Above all, membership provides you with easier access to peers with similar interests and concerns. A helpful forum as you are confronted on a daily basis with issues and challenges. This includes access to WSWRA staff to ask questions and seek assistance.
Ready To Become A Member?
Stay current on key issues while helping to ensure water remains available for the farms that feed us and sustain our economy.